Kick Start from Mum Aid First Aid
Successful KickStart applicants
DBS Enhanced Check
Theory test practical workshops
Theory test paid
Driving lessons 20 hours
Paediatric First Aid
First Aid at work
Manual handling
Basic kitchen Hygiene
Meet and greet clients
Communications skills
CV skills and interview skills
. Must be referred by DWP jobcentre, ask for details.
Email : mumaidfirstaid@outlook.com
Tel Ric 07761950724

Kick Start Lorry Driving Training
Successful KickStart applicants
Once you have passed your care driving test with support from Mum Aid First Aid we will -
test. Once theory test has been passed we will provide driving lessons
To start with van driving lessons for safety and confidence driving a transit van. This is invaluable skill that once mastered we can embark on obtaining an HGV licence
Lorry experience. We will partner you with an experienced lorry driver to sit and observe life on the road as a lorry driver.
Lorry CPC training will be given while experiencing life on the road of a lorry driver.
Encouraging women lorry drivers to join the sector will be promoted through senior schools and DWP.
Lorry training lessons to start on private land and we progress through to HGV test
Job placement with employers will be signed up with employers while training.
DBS Enhanced Check
Paediatric First Aid
First Aid at work
Manual handling.